unc-led lighTing elemenTs
Their constant power source for uniform luminosity and our standardized UNC thread makes our UNC LED light elements for example suitable for laryngoscopes.
Requests to: info@2e-mechatronic.de

> Socket variants
UNC thread #8-32
> Material
Plastic body and brass casing
> Nominal voltage
3 – 5V
> Power consumption
approx. 80 mA
> Battery life
up to 20 h
> Light temperature
> Temperature development
0,2 W
> Endurance
> > 10.000 h
Further information is available directly via the download link:
UNC-LED – the versatile lighting solution
UNC stands for Unified Course Thread and corresponds to a standardised thread. 2E develops LED elements based on MID technology (Mechatronic Integrated Devices) for diverse applications which are perfect replacements for existing solutions such as halogen lamps.
Structure and area of application of the UNC-LED
The basic structure is no different from a normal MID-LED element. The special feature is the metal casing which holds the lighting element. At the bottom end this has a UNC thread and can therefore be quickly screwed into appropriate devices. This type of lighting is used, for example, in medical technology for laryngoscopes. In general, a reduction in the size of the component, in comparison to halogen lamps, is possible with LED technology because much less electricity flows and consequently less heat is lost.
Advantages of our lighting solutions
Replacing old lamps one to one not only reduces consumption but also considerably increases the service life of the lamps. Using an LED also makes it possible to select a colour for the light, if needed. Our MID-LEDs are equipped with a constant power source. This means that the lamp remains much brighter even when the battery is weak.

Our company is certified according to IATF 16949 and ISO 14001.
Details about the certification can be found here www.tuev-sued.com/ms-zert